Six Christmas Cat Toys in Stocking

Advent Calendar Day: Fancy Feast Calendar For Cats!

People use advent calendars to count down the days until Christmas. The calendars usually begin with December 1st, using some method to keep track of the days leading up to Christmas.  The supermarket chain Aldi offers a variety of popular calendars each year; to mark their release date, they...

Happy Hairball Awareness Day!

Today, April 24, is recognized as National Hairball Awareness Day. This "holiday" is "celebrated" annually on the last Friday in April. I think most cat owners are aware of hairballs without having to mark a special date on the calendar. The day is listed along with many other...

One Fast Cat Jumbo Exercise Wheel for Cats

You can't get your kitty a gym membership, but this cat treadmill wheel is perfect for cardio at home. If you're looking for a way to help kitty get in shape or burn off that extra young cat energy, look to this unique pet exerciser product.

Happy International Cat Day!

The International Fund for Animal Welfare established the first International Cat Day on August 8, 2002. The honorary holiday takes place each year on this date. The holiday is meant to bring awareness to cat care and welfare. We believe that keeping cats indoors is a great...