Fun Door Knob Teaser Toy for Cats

This is a fun teaser toy for cats that you can hang on a door knob and leave for kitty play time. Cats can play with this fun pompom toy whenever they want - whether you're there to play with them or not!
This door mounted toy is an enticing sparkly lightweight pom attached at the end of a string. The teaser toy string is stuck to the door-knob mounted plastic hanger so the toy is free to be batted about or sway in the aftermath.
Of course all cats have different preferences so while this toy is generally highly rated by cat owners, this one can fall on deaf paws for some kitties. If your cat likes lightweight glitter pom toys, this could be a hit. String eaters may focus on that part of the toy and might make this one more trouble than its worth, though. Check out the reviews if you think this might be something your kitties would enjoy!
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