Keep Control with a Cat Grooming Bag

Motion-Activated Pet Proofing Repellent

This is an unscented motion-activated spray that can be used to deter pets from being in or on areas that you want them to avoid.

Deluxe Window Seat for Cats

This is a sturdy window shelf perch that your cat will love! Unlike window-mounted perches, this deluxe window seat mounts on the window ledge and wall, giving you peace of mind as kitty has a safe and sturdy place to rest, lounge, and look outside (three of a cat's favorite things to do!).

Rolling Treat Dispenser Enrichment Toy

This is a fun cat toy to engage kitties in mealtime, slow down fast eaters, and alleviate boredom. This mobile food dispenser is perfect enrichment for cats!

Meet Our Cats: William

On September 2, 2014, I was birding at Gemini Springs when I found a mother cat and two kittens. According to a park staffer I spoke with, the cats had been abandoned at the park. After securing the two kittens in a box and the mother in a...