Treat Hot Spots & Mange with Natural EcoSpot

Mange is a skin disease caused by mites. Mange can be fairly common in dogs, but it can also be found in cats. Finding the right treatment when your cat has mange is important; a common treatment is actually toxic to cats.
Demodectic mange, also known as red mange, is caused by Demodex canis mites. These mites are typically found on dogs and do not affect cats.
Cats can suffer from sarcoptic mange (as can dogs). This skin condition is caused by burrowing mites and is also known by the name scabies. Infection from the burrowing mites causes hair loss, itching, and crusting of the skin. In short, it's a very unpleasant condition from which to suffer.
One of the most common treatments for scabies in dogs is the use of topical permethrin. This synthetic chemical is very effective in the treatment of mange in dogs, but it is toxic to cats.
EcoSpot from Vet Organics is a safe product to use on cats to combat skin affected by mange. The topical no-touch spray also treats hot spots, sores, and skin rashes. The treatment, which you spray directly on the infected area, acts to clean in disinfect your pet's trouble spots. The natural treatment kills bacteria and mange mites while remaining safe to use on your pet.