Comfort Cat Carrier for Vet, Grooming Visits

List: 2018 Cat Needs Best Sellers

This is a list of the best selling cat need items sold on this webshop over 2018. Does your cat have everything he or she needs?

List: 2019 Cat Needs Best-Selling (Besides Toys)

Toys were tops for this webshop in 2019. Here are the other cat needs best sellers for the year. Does your cat have everything he or she needs? Litter box and food related needs are well-represented on this list.

Easy Hands-Free Backpack Cat Carrier

Keep your hands free (to carry additional cats?) with this sturdy, soft-sided pet carrier that can be worn as a backpack. This unique configuration keeps kitty close to you while you travel.

Easy Wheeled Travel Soft-Sided Pet Carrier

This is a soft-sided pet carrier with a trolly handle and removeable wheels. It makes transporting your kitty on foot easy and less strenuous. Note that the carrier is not intended for air travel.