Fast Eater? Slow Kitty Down with a Slow Pet Feeder

A device made for slowing down your pet's eating process can be a life-saver for cats that chow down their food too fast. Products like this Interactive Slow Pet Feeder from Northmate are designed to make feeding time less stressful and speedy, as well as more interesting and engaging.
Fast eating sometimes leads to vomiting. This type of binge-and-purge eating is unhealthy for kitty. This slow feeder has a forest of rounded plastic protrusions on a sturdy base. When your cat's food is distributed on the device, feeding time becomes an interesting challenge and a slower process. This product helps alleviate boredom by making mealtime a challenging game with food as a reward for success. Kitty finds food among the protrusions and captures them with her paw, simulating wild hunting behavior.