Halloween Fun for Cats: 20-Pack Furry Mouse Toys

Fun Candy Heart Shaped Catnip Cat Toys for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is celebrated each year on February 14. The date is also known as Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of St. Valentine. Although its origins are as a Christian celebration feast, modern traditions of Valentine's Day revolve around romantic relationships and friendships. Valentine's Day icons include...

Happy Hairball Awareness Day!

Today, April 24, is recognized as National Hairball Awareness Day. This "holiday" is "celebrated" annually on the last Friday in April. I think most cat owners are aware of hairballs without having to mark a special date on the calendar. The day is listed along with many other...

Happy National Pet Day!

Today, April 11, is National Pet Day. While this may not be a major, widely-recognized holiday, the love we have for our companion animals is worth celebrating every day. Especially in the current Covid-19 pandemic crisis facing everyone on this planet, pets can provide their owners with much-needed emotional...

Celebrate Your Vet! It's World Veterinary Day!

The last Saturday of April is marked as World Veterinary Day. We celebrate our veterinary professionals on this day, first noted by the World Veterinary Association in 2000. While we always appreciate the health of our pets, and the help and care they receive from veterinary professionals, today especially...