Play With Peeps! Cute Bunny Shaped Cat Toys for Easter

Katz Kicker Plush Crinkle Kitty Toy

These fun toys are great for cats to "fight" with and attack! They are called "kicker" toys because their shape is perfect for grabbing with the front paws and kicking with the legs, also known as a bunny kick.

Soft Plush Refillable Catnip Mouse Toy

Our cats love this soft mouse toy from SmartyKat. Madcap Mouse is a soft toy with plush "fur" on its body and a soft face with a shorter pile. The mouse has a short tail, whiskers, and leopard-pattern ears.

Ten Fun Refillable Catnip Cat Toys

One of our cats' favorite toys is the popular Madcap Mouse plush from SmartyKat. This is always our Timmy's favorite toy, but he shows added interest when we add a bit of dried catnip from our stash. Yep, Madcap Mouse is refillable! These kinds of toys will attract your cat initially and then again and again as you keep the catnip pouch filled with the good stuff. Here are 10 great refillable catnip toys for cats.

List: 2019 Cat Needs Best-Selling Toys

This is a list of the best selling cat toys sold on this webshop over 2019. Does your cat have these popular toys? Interactive toys and tunnel tubes topped the list.