Extremely Long Handled Cat Box Scoop

Easy Finger Puppet Cat Toothbrushes

Oral health is an important part of your pet's overall health. Help keep kitty's teeth clean with these easy-to-use wearable finger brushes.

Three Level Ball Track Interactive Cat Toy

This fun cat toy takes a popular game type and cranks up the fun. Kitty will get three levels of rolling ball track action with this fun circular cat toy.

CatTwig Silver Vine Alternative Cat Toy

This is a fun, natural toy and treat for cats. It's unprocessed silver vine, dried from natural plants native to Asia. It has been known to attract cats, similar to catnip.

Longtime Best-Seller: Sturdy Oversized Sisal Cat-Scratching Post

This robust, oversized scratching post is an ideal choice for cat owners looking for a durable and engaging activity for their feline friends. Covered...